Ammar Name Meaning

Ammar Name Meaning

Short Description

Ammar name meaning is Long-Lived, God-Fearing, Pious. Ammar is a Muslim Boy name and it is a Muslim originated name with multiple meanings and the associated lucky number is 5. Get proper spelling and pronunciation of the name Ammar.

Ammar Name Meaning

Every newborn baby needs a beautiful & unique name that provides an identity for a lifetime. So, the parents will most responsible at the time of selecting the worthy & positive name. Ammar is a graceful boy name and its meaning long live, God Fearing and pious. And urdu meaning is خوشحال، خوشیوں بھرا،بنانے وال. Many people with the name Ammar has earned fame all around the world.

There is many languages use for Ammar names like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, and English. The religion of Ammar name is Islam, which means its Muslim Name. It’s an Arabic originated name. This name has a lucky number 5. Ammar name length 5 letters in one word. Lucky days for Ammar name holder are Tuesday, Thursday. Red, violet is the lucky colour for a person with Ammar name.

Ammar name holders can choose ruby as their lucky stones however copper, iron are the lucky metals for this name.

When the parents selecting the baby’s name, it’s a tough stage because each name relates with logic by the religious & meaningful name points. This is a baby boy name, if you want to select for your baby, then you do a good choice.

Ammar is an Arabic name with multiple-meaning, it is the name of an early companion of Islam, and the full name was “Ammar Bin Yasir”. And There are 12 companions of Islam named Ammar.
